TrueAccord’s vision is to restore hope and financial stability for those who lost them.
Here at TrueAccord, we’re proud of our values:
Mission-Focused, Results Driven
- Understand how your work advances the mission
- Use mission in decision making and prioritization
- Deliver outstanding outcomes and measure impact rather than effort
- Accept short term pain for long term gain

Be a Team Player
- Socialize learning, ideas, and plans with stakeholders
- Leverage the best thinking of others
- Lean constructively into conflict, communicate openly and directly
- Prioritize collective success over personal success
- Know and play your position
- Be clear on the decision-maker, pushing decisions as low into the organization as possible
- Respect and get behind decisions
Empathy Always, in All Ways
- Seek to understand the needs, challenges, and objectives of others
- Tap the power of diverse perspective
- Be open-minded; allow yourself to be convinced
- Make rough decisions with humanity
- Take the time to be kind

Controlled Disruption
- Reinvent by taking calculated risks
- Challenge existing assumptions & ask “why?, why not?”
- Think big, start small, learn fast
- Anticipate upstream and downstream impacts
- Accept discomfort to shape the future
Bring Your “A” Game
- Come prepared and ready to contribute
- Demonstrate the mastery of your craft
- Articulate the what & the why
- Acknowledge and learn from mistakes so you/we don’t repeat them
- Stretch yourself